Thursday 3 June 2010

That was fast...

Didn't quite keep to the promise I made myself of blogging regularly but I will have plenty of time over the summer =]

For anyone starting University - you're gonna love it! Best time of my life.
The people ~ flatmates, course goers, drunken meetings, personal tutor, lecturers, bouncers (trust me, you'll get to know them well) and most importantly.. the ones that bail you out of awkward situations.

There is one particular downer to the university experience which is the lack of money. Some are more lucky than others with the advantage of getting bursaries - if you're an unlucky one like me, the one piece of advice I will give you is to BUDGET.
I wanted to live my Fresher week like it was my last week on earth and boy was it a good'un. But I then struggled every single day with watching what I spent.

All that said and done, I still managed to go out every week :)

Exams are almost complete - one more to go. They haven't been too bad overall, just crazily stressful remembering everything.

I will keep you updated with me adventures over the summer, and next year, as a 2nd year student at Nottingham Trent, I will document of my adventurous evenings.
Whether they take me to a park construction at 2.30am (true), a newly opened underground club called Snug or even just the McDonald's drive-thru.. wherever I end up; you're coming with me.

Enjoy the summer! It's gonna be HOT.